There is no need to invite these people into your home in order to learn what their religion is all about. In fact, that would not even be the best approach.
For one thing, the typical current lot of Jehovahs Witnesses have very little idea of what it is they are supposed to believe in, beyond "Obey Without Question the Governing Body, and You Will Be Blessed." They would probably attempt more to use their literature to speak for them, but even that has been dumbed down to the level of little more than just , "Obey and be Blessed".
For another thing, if you were to invite them into your home, they could well then become just a bloody nuisance. A lot of the Jehovahs Witnesses can be surprisingly reluctant to take "No" for an answer. Sometimes (perhaps even often?) getting rid of them can make the proverbial "bad smell" seem like a welcome guest!.
There are various other ways of learning what this religion is all about:
- There are their literature stands that are frequently to be found in public places, such as the approaches to train stations etc. From those, their literature is available free of charge (for what it is worth!)
- Also, the Watchtower Corporation (their publishing arm) has its own website, This is readily accessible to the public, and can at least give you their view of the JW religion.
- Then there are a number of Ex-JW websites such as this one, from which the real truth about this religion can be discovered. (Once you delve below the surface, you will find that these people have more than just a few "skeletons in the cupboard", so to speak!)
In your research, though, there is one thing to look out for, which I am certain all ex-JWs would agree on, and that is the offer of a "Free Home Bible Study". With somebody like yourself, the Jehovahs Witnesses would be very quick to offer to "Study the Bible" with you "In Your Own Home".
You would be well advised never to accept such an offer, as you would afterwards discover that this is just the first stage of the indoctrination process into their cult. ("Entry Level", you might say!). Furthermore, as many of us here found out to our detriment, extricating yourself is often a surprisingly difficult process.
In summary, this religion is a cult, and it is safest to learn about it from a distance!
PS: Persons such as yourself are welcome here any time.